D-2891 Informationen: Karl-Eugen Spreng Kein Online-Text bekannt. History of Indian-White Relations [Washburn 1988] Handbook of North American Indians, 4 Smithsonian Institution: Washington - 1988 Hardcover - Höhe: 33 cm - 852 Seiten - ISBN/ISNN: 9780160045837 Hg. v. Wilcomb E. Washburn Inhalt National Policies Agencies 1 Dutch and Swedish Indian Policies 13 French Indian Policies 20 United States Indian Policies 1860-1900 41 United States Indian Policies 1900-1980 65 Canadian Indian Policies 81 Charles Gibson 96 Mexican Indian Policies 375 The Maritime Trade of the North Pacific Coast 103 Danish Greenland Policies 110 Russian and Soviet Eskimo Indian Policies 396 Military Situation 404 Political Relations William Cronon and Richard White 417 The Indian Hobbyist Movement in Europe 472 Roman Catholic Missions in the Southeast and the Stewart Brand 481 Roman Catholic Missions in the Northwest 494 Roman Catholic Missions in the Arctic Christian F Feest 501 NonIndian Biographies 522 Relations Between Indians and Anthropologists 548 Roman Catholic Missions in California and the 562 White Conceptions of Indians 617 British Colonial Indian Treaties 700 | ||||||
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